Friday 18 September 2009

Blessed Be!

To the memory of a special and very gifted woman.

I knew Shelagh for 18 years before she passed into the Summerland in 2000. She awakened my awareness to a much wider existance than the everday world we are consciuously aware of.
I met her in 1982 and within weeks of meeting we were spending more and more time discussing a variety of spiritual and paranormal subjects, which is funny really because we had met as a result of our mutual interest in Ancient Rome but now a subject increasingly taking a back seat as I developed a voracious appetite for the vast library of books she owned. The emphasis on witchcraft, but there was also a great deal concerning Spiritualism, Theosophy, Buddhism, etc, as well as a great many on herbs and natural remedies, tarot, palmestry, astrology and much, much more besides.

I was soon identifying with much of what I read. I had looked into a number of spiritual paths that had interested me at various times in my life, Islam, Christianity, Shinto. But nothing had held my attention in the way hedgewitchery and wicca was.
Something resonated deep within me, making me want to learn more and more.

Shelagh then began to tell me about when she had been a Wiccan high priestess some years before. There was some aspects she could not tell me because of certain secrecy vows she had taken, and these I respected so didn't press her, anyway, I wouldn't have needed to, what she taught me was plenty enough. She had developed away from the coven, becoming a solitary witch. I took a great interest and in time she started to teach me practical aspects such as plant identification and uses they could be put to.
She introduced me to the local spiritualist church where I began to develop my own psychic gifts.
My deepest regret was that I was not with her when Shelagh passed over. Personal issues had put strains on our partnership and in turn I wandered from the path of The Goddess. I returned a couple of years ago and am working to cover lost ground and forgotten knowledge.
This entry is my tribute to her and the gift she has given me.

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