Wednesday 21 October 2009


October 31st is Samhain, and as I am someone who thrives in the colder temperatures, and with a passion for ice and snow, this festival is special to me in that it heralds the reign of Cailleach Bheur, The Queen of Winter and foremost representation of the Hag Goddess. In myth and legend she is an old woman, blue faced and in black rags carrying a staff, and with a crow on her left shoulder. She can be bad temper and dangerous to people. Her rule ends at Beltane (May 1st,)
On a magical and meditational level I work with the crone in her guise as either Cailleach Bheur or as Cerridwen. Both have overlapping aspects and correspondances. Generally, however, Cailleach Bheur reigns with pre-eminence from Samhain to Imbolc. Imbolc is when Cerridwen dominates my witchshed - my little 6x4 garden shed.

I generally work little magic through Cailleach Bheur, who is more a personification of the winter months and snow clad hills rather than a working deity. If I do have special magic and rites I wish to work during these months, then I will call on her, but that isn't often. Most of my work is held until Imbolc when the crone Cerridwen, who represents prophecy, magic and transformation is established for me.

The Old Woman of Beara

‘Tis many a day
since I sailed on youth’s bay
year on year has scored my flesh
since my fresh sweet strength went grey.

Many a day
I have been as cold as they;
even in the sun I wear my shawl;
age has put me too away….

A poor old woman, let me be;
the eyes are dark that were so fair;
the glittering ones I slept with pass
and leave me to the dark and prayer….

Happy island of the main,
to you the tide returns again,
but to me it comes no moreover the deserted shore.
Seeing, I can scarcely say“Here is such a place”; today
what was water far and wide
changes with the ebbing tide.

--From "The Lament of the Old Woman of Beara", anonymous, ca 10th century.
Translated by Frank O'Connor (1903-1966

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